Tuesday 31 March 2015

Data Import Simplified: Excel to SQL Using Stored Procedure

As a programmer, one of the most common problems I face during data migration is the diverse forms that data comes in, rendering import of that data into SQL Server quite a cumbersome task! In fact, last week itself I was working on data import from as much as five different sources, all in their own disparate formats! Importing data through code was killing my project!!! That’s when I came up with the idea of OPENROWSET method through stored procedure in SQL Server. Now I can import tons of data using OPENROWSET method within a fraction of seconds!

Let me show you how to easily import data from Excel files, .xls or .xlsx into SQL, using a stored procedure.

T-1: Prerequisites for Data Import

For this data import, we need to:
  • Create an Excel file to import sample data
  • Configure Windows Server, installing the necessary components
  • Configure the necessary permissions to the SQL instance from where we need to obtain data files
  • Stored procedure to read excel sheet and import data into the table with validations

Once we have all this, we need to prepare the environment for data import.

1. Creating an Excel File

The first step involves the creation of an Excel file sample with a few rows of data for demonstration purposes. We need to add a header row to explicitly define the data: ID, Item Name and Date Created.  It is important that you note that the data sequence is only for facilitating the visualization of the content that is being manipulated.

2. Installing the necessary providers

As the next step, we now need to get the data through a query inside the SQL Server using an OLEDB Data Provider.  I used Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Data Provider which is available free of cost, and provided all ODBC and OLEDB drivers.

Note that there are two versions of this package: AccessDatabaseEngine.exe for x86 platform and AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe for x64 platform, so choose a version suitable to your platform.

3. Enabling SQL Server Instance to Read File

The execution of stored procedure using OPENROWSET is only possible when the SQL Server instance has the AdHoc Distributed Queries configuration enabled. By default every SQL Server instance keeps this configuration disabled.

To enable Ad Hoc Distributed Queries configuration I used the following query.

Ad hoc distributed queries configuration will be effective only after the execution of the reconfigure command, as shown above.

In order to get permission required to use the OLEDB Drivers, link stored procedure with Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider in SQL Server using AllowInProcess & Dynamic parameters. I used the following query.

4. Using OPENROWSET method in stored procedure

Now we will query to read excel sheet data using OPENROWSET method. We need to pass some essential parameter to this method:
  • Data Provider: Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0
  • Options: File Version; File path; Header (HDR); Import Mode (IMEX)
  • SQL statement with or without clauses to filter data

To perform other tasks for data manipulation, you should ideally always load the data into the database. You can insert data on existing table or else you can create new table.

I used the following query to use OPENROWSET method

It's also important to check if the SQL Server Service user has access to the Windows directory where the Excel files are stored.

Getting in the Groove: Importing excel template into the physical table through Stored Procedure

Now comes the real deal, importing excel template into the physical table with the help of a stored procedure. I have listed below the simplified, 8-step process, along with the query.

1. As the first step, you need to pass three parameters to the stored procedure:
  • Destination Table Name
  • File Path
  • Sheet Name

2. Once the above parameters are passed, you need to provide the following validation for table and excel Sheet:
  • Destination Table Name cannot be null or Empty, you have to provide the table name
  • File Path cannot be null or Empty, you have to provide the File Path

3. Once you have provided the validations, you then need to read the count of records from Excel sheet and store it into a variable. If the count is zero, you need to raise an error message in excel sheet that says Data Not Available; if the data is available, you need to read the data from the excel sheet and insert it into a temporary table, as shown below:

4. If the physical table exists, you need to drop the existing table and insert the records of the temporary table (excel sheet) into the physical table. Alternatively, if the physical table does not exist, you need to directly create and insert the data from the excel sheet into the physical table, as shown here:

5. Once this is done, you need to get the count of successfully inserted records into the physical table. In order to show the message, use the code given below.

6. After getting the count into the physical table, you need to drop the temporary table. You can use the following sample code for the same.

7. In this example, I have used Transaction within my stored procedure. The data can be rolled back in case of any error. Each transaction lasts until either it completes without errors and COMMIT TRANSACTION is issued to make the modifications a permanent part of the database, or errors are encountered and all modifications are erased with a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement.

8. In order to conclude this process, you need to handle all errors within the Catch block and store the errors into the error table, as shown below

Time is Money!!!

There are alternate methods to import data but if you are in a Catch-22 situation like me, importing data through SQL Server is your best bet. Remember, timely access to data is as important, if not more, as access to data itself.

Reference: Importing an Excel Spreadsheet into a SQL Server Database

Written by Piyush Ostwal,  .Net Champion at Eternus Solutions
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Salesforce Magic Tricks: Opportunity

Hello fellow magicians! How does it feel to be able to do magic with Salesforce? It’s a surreal feeling, isn’t it? In the previous posts, we discussed some quick tips and tricks about Lead & Account object, as well as Case & Report. After a longer than anticipated hiatus, I am back, but this time with a great idea presented by Steve Molis for the Opportunity object!

Opportunity: Unidirectional Sales Stage Cycle

Salesforce allows users to move from an advanced stage of the Sales cycle to a previous stage through an out-of-the-box feature. However, quite a lot of organizations have their business sales cycle configured to move in a unidirectional, forward way, which is also a good practice from a Sales Pipeline Management perspective. Now comes a pertinent question: How do we achieve that?

Why does it matter?

Rather than designing the pipeline as a silo storage container for sales opportunities, it’s a best practice to architect the sales pipeline keeping in mind the bigger context of a revenue funnel. For most organizations, this means consolidating the Top of the Funnel (TOFU) managed by marketing with the Middle of the Funnel (MOFU) which is cooperatively facilitated by both marketing and sales and the Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU) which is managed by sales. Managing the bigger picture allows sales to better understand the pipeline health, including inflow, outflow, movement, stagnation and velocity. Any alteration to the above flow may obstruct the Sales Cycle and hence affect the Pipeline performance.

V for Victory (Validation Rule)…

Yes truly! All that you need to do is to have a validation rule triggered every time a user tries to change the stage value to any of the previous ones. Let me explain how you can do this.

Use a validation rule that will enable you to evaluate the current value for the Opportunity stage and compare it with any of the previous values for the Opportunity Stage. A similar rule is given in the example below:

CASE( StageName ,
     "Prospecting", 1,
     "Qualification", 2,
     "Needs Analysis", 3,
     "Value Proposition", 4,
     "Proposal/Price Quote", 5,
     "Negotiation/Review", 6,
     "Closed - Won", 7,
     "Closed - Lost", 7,


     "Prospecting", 1,
     "Qualification", 2,
     "Needs Analysis", 3,
     "Value Proposition", 4,
     "Proposal/Price Quote", 5,
     "Negotiation/Review", 6,
     "Closed - Won", 7,
     "Closed - Lost", 7,

Now every time you try switching to a stage in the Sales Cycle that has already been passed in the sales cycle, an error message will be displayed and Salesforce will not let you proceed further, just like in the figure shown below!

Sweet, isn’t it?

Try this out and I am sure it will work seamlessly for your requirement. After all, we are Salesforce magicians!!!  I will be back very soon with some more tricks and tips in my bag. Till then, spread the magic!!!

Watch Steve Molis present this beautiful idea in Dreamforce’14 Formula Ninjas session here!

Written by Vimal Desai, Project Manager at Eternus Solutions

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Amazing Visualforce Pages with AngularJS

It started out as a normal day at work. Midway into it, my client sent this requirement of implementing a Visualforce page which required predictive search, sorting on the basis of columns, completely responsive UI and the icing on the cake: everything needed to be done in a jiffy!! The day was normal no more! My first instinct was to use the usual apex calls to the server, but that reduced the response time like anything. I was in a frenzy. I asked my peers, searched the solution through tutorials, and discarded a few solutions, before I stumbled across a pot of gold! AngularJS! It was love at first sight! And thus began a story of creating a Visualforce page with minimal code and maximum work, efficiently and quite effortlessly...

AngularJS is a JavaScript-based framework used to build and deploy dynamic web-based applications. Supporting most modern-day browsers, it is extensively used in client-side manipulations of the HTML pages. Its vast set of features, including two-way dynamic data binding, amazingly fast response times and the adherence to the MVC structure of development, can also be leveraged in a Visualforce page.

AngularJS not only allows you to create dynamic web-based applications but also has its own built in library for the bootstrap framework using which you can create beautiful, responsive UI components, without a fuss. And if this were not enough, it supports callouts to external web-services using the integrated REST APIs. Talk about being multi-purpose!

AngularJS: key to awesome Visualforce pages

To explain the usage of AngularJS in Visualforce pages, I will create a table that fetches Account records from the org and display it on a table, which will feature predictive search and sorting on various columns of the table. A task that usually requires almost a complete day of Apex development can be done in a matter of few hours! Yes mere hours! Let me show you how.

Teeing off…

In order to use AngularJS in your Visualforce page, you need to include the AngularJS Javascript framework in your application. This can be done simply by using the < apex:includescript > tag and linking it to AngularJS CDN.

The actual truth behind the magic

Apex Controller

Visualforce Page

The Key to Success with AngularJS

One of the most useful directive that AngularJS holds in its stash is the ng-repeat directive. Similar to the < apex:repeat > tag that we use in our normal Visualforce pages, it not only allows you to perform repeat on a set of data, but also provides filter on a data or sorting of the data based on the columns. And guess what, all of this is in-built with AngularJS!

Here’s the wrapper that I used to perform serialization of the account records:

You can use the default filter and sort functions provided in the documentation, or you can develop your own custom logic like I have implemented in the code snippet shared above. Let’s see how it works.

Understanding the Sorting Mechanism

First let us understand the sorting functionality: ng-repeat allows you to specify the value by which you need to sort the repeat contents by using the orderBy and reverse attributes. The reverse attribute specifies the direction of the sort. If it is true, it sorts in descending order, otherwise it sorts in the ascending order.
Here’s how I managed to sort it according to the selected column. The function sortBy is being called on the click of the table header:

By simply setting the value by which we need the table to be sorted, the orderBy function automatically sorts the table. If you click the already selected column, the reverse attribute is altered so as to support the ascending/descending sort.

For performing predictive search, the filter attribute is used. It specifies the values that need to be displayed in the table. We can implement the functionality by writing a custom filter. Let me show you how I did it:

The function accepts the wrapper object that needs to be filtered. $scope.orderByValue mentions the field of the wrapper on which the filter is to be applied and $scope.filterText is the text in the user input. If the text is present in the wrapper field, it returns true, which means the record is being displayed.

Once this was done, my page looked something like this:

I love AngularJS because…

One of the best ways to make your Single Page Applications (SPAs) intuitive and fast is through AngularJS. You get lightning fast response times and your operations are performed on the client-side rather than having to make an AJAX call. Add to that a responsive UI and no need to write test classes for all the logic you perform, who will not become a life-long fan of AngularJS?

If you need more information about AngularJS, you can find it at https://AngularJS.org/and https://docs.AngularJS.org. So go on, set your Visualforce pages on fire! Visualforce pages were never this dynamic before!

Written by Saket Joshi,  Salesforce Developer at Eternus Solutions
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Monday 30 March 2015

Custom Permissions – boon for Product Development

Salesforce.com introduced Custom Permissions with the summer’14 release. Custom Permission enables the user to set permissions and access levels just the way he wants, quite helpful when you are developing products using Salesforce.  Developers around the world have taken a fancy to Custom Permission as it is a more generic, yet an appropriate approach to fulfil requirements. Let me illustrate how you can take advantage of custom permissions.
Suppose you are developing a Loan-Based product for your client where you need to update the Account status as Closed when the opportunity gets declined for that particular Account. This is quite simple to achieve. All you need to do is to write a trigger to update the Account. However, there’s a slight catch! Client wants that the Opportunity Status should only get updated by users with Loan Manager or Senior Manager roles and the System Administrator should also be restricted to update that field. How do you achieve this?

There are a few possible approaches that you would take:

1. Permission sets – One way to address the issue is to use Permission sets. Users are restricted to edit the permission sets from the package, so if the users wants to add/ modify permission sets, a new version of the package would need to be created.

2. Alternatively, you can also use custom logic to provide restrictions on the field by defining fields label within the custom settings.

3. Custom permissions – The third and arguably the best way to achieve this is through the Custom Permissions. You will need to create a Custom permission, define the permissions sets and then enable your custom permission on that permission sets.

As the next step, you need to use custom permission object to check the access sets on the permission sets. This is shown below:

Here, DeveloperName is the unique name of the custom permission in the API.
If you need to query all permission sets and profiles with custom permissions, you can use the following:

If you need to query for all SetupEntityAccess rows with Custom Permissions, you need to use the following:

You can validate the set permissions for any fields or buttons and can restrict users accordingly.

The biggest advantage of using Custom Permissions is that they can be enabled for any permissions sets, so if the users want to set their own permission sets, all they need to do is to define the permission sets and enable package custom permissions in those permission sets. They do not need to make any code changes afterwards.

Product Development Simplified!

In a nutshell, whatever permission is defined on any sObject by the User while creating the package, will not stick to the package itself, but on the permissions sets attached by the user to custom permission (coming from the package) in any organization after installing the package. In other words, it will be independent of the package and can vary as per specific requirements of that particular organizations. Therefore, the developer does not need to do any code changes, or create different package links based on different clients’ requirements, but it can directly be handled by the user of that organization himself, thus simplifying product development.

Written by Neena Tiwari, Salesforce Developer at Eternus Solutions
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Sunday 29 March 2015

9 Things I Love About Magentrix

Recently, one of my clients wanted me to build a customer portal for him. Normally, I would not think twice before recommending Salesforce Communities but this case was a tad different. My client needed cost-effective licensing for his portal which would enable him to provide role-based access to his users. Additionally, he needed the portal to be completely branded as per his company guidelines. This would be time consuming to achieve through Salesforce, as Salesforce does not have in-built support for JavaScript and Bootstrap. So I decided to use Magentrix for implementation of this portal.

Magentrix: A Quick Overview

Magentrix is a useful technology for setting up customer, partner and employees portals. It is also used to set up cloud-based mobile apps. These apps and websites help in collaboration, process integration and drive user engagement through a highly secured, web-based, mobile-optimized cloud platform.

Portal Implementation Made Easy

Let me elucidate on some features of Magentrix which led to the success of this project.

1. Pre-built components for customization

Magentrix is very similar to Salesforce communities in functionality. However, what differentiates Magentrix is the pre-built components and out-of-the-box features which enable you to use Salesforce without having to log in or code in Salesforce.  All Salesforce objects sync with Magentrix every 15 minutes, when a scheduled job is run to sync the changes and pull the updated changes in the Magentrix records from Salesforce.
It is smartphone and tablet-enabled, thus providing mobility to your portals. As there is very less or no development required, the portals were implemented very quickly, thus benefitting my client immensely.

2. Low cost

Thanks to the availability of pre-built components, Magentrix has the in-built ability to build portals with minimum or no code. Additionally, the licensing costs is considerably less than what you would normally incur with Salesforce, all of which led to minimal expenditure for maintaining and operating the portals.

3. Easy for the end users

Magentrix is completely user-centric, with easy, intuitive UI, and familiar social collaboration features that you use every day, which is why the time taken to train the users was less and user-adoption was quicker and more comprehensive.

4. Integration

Magentrix has a RESTful API which simplifies integration with other external systems. With its bidirectional sync, Magentrix enables near real-time sync of your portals with your CRM system. And if this were not enough, Magentrix also supports data migration with other system.
This was quite useful for my project as apart from the customer portal, my client also had a Salesforce-based CRM and needed the data to be consistent across both these locations. Magentrix’s complete integration with Salesforce CRM and bidirectional sync of data ensured consistent and accuracy of data across both the portal and the CRM.

5. UI elements

My client wanted the UI of the portal to be as per his organization guidelines. The limitation with Salesforce is that you can customize the UI only to a certain extent. Magentrix’s UI and visual elements are completely customizable, which enabled me to build the required layouts and make personalized branded themes for my client easily, exactly the way he wanted.

6. Self-Service ready

My client wanted his customers to be able to service their own requests. Magentrix is built on a platform that is capable of handling multiple customer requests at all times of the day. It can handle the questions your customers ask regularly and store them in an internal repository which helps you to refer to past conversations.  It also supports multiple languages which helps you address customers in different countries. Additionally, Magentrix also provides you intuitive visual apps to create online communities, discussion forums, ideas, articles and blog posts helping in communication with your stakeholders. Thus, I was able to implement a portal that was self-service ready in the true sense of the word.

7. Mobility

Magentrix has an in-built support for jQuery, JavaScript and Bootstrap, building a powerful mobile platform which helps you to build useful and responsive apps without worrying about the compatibility with different devices and responsiveness of the apps.

8. In-built SSO

Magentrix has an in-built capability to enable Single Sign-On (SSO) with your existing infrastructure using SAML 2.0, an XML-based protocol that uses security token consisting of assertions to pass information. Magentrix also provides SSO with leading social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn, enabling you to reach multiple avenues through a single log in.

9. Security

Magentrix sites and apps are secured with 128/256-bit SSL, bank grade encryption. Magentrix is hosted in SAS 70 Type II certified data center, so you can be absolutely sure of your data’s security.

My Vote for Magentrix

Building a portal outside Salesforce in Magentrix was challenging because my client’s CRM was on Salesforce and Magentrix does not support Apex and Visualforce pages. Although Magentrix is not a substitute for Salesforce Communities, it has some exciting features which enabled me to cater to client’s requirements, without compromising on the quality that a typical Salesforce Communities portal provides. You can try Magentrix for yourself; just go to http://www.magentrix.com/aspx/trial, and choose the option that best suits you.  And once you have done that, don’t forget to tell me all about your experience.

Written by Twinkle Panjabi,  Salesforce Developer at Eternus Solutions
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Salesforce to Amazon Integration Using Signature Version 4: Part 1

If you are using Salesforce and are in need to store large sets of data, you may want to consider Amazon’s cost-effective storage as an alternative. Amazon provides access to its broad spectrum of AWS services by leveraging different versions of a signature such as version 1, version 2 and version 4.

What’s in a Signature?

Moving away from the bookish definitions, a signature is simply a computed alpha numeric value of a certain length that acts as a mechanism to verify the identity of the requester and protect the data in transit, in a service based communication model.

Amazon Signature version 4 is the protocol for authenticating inbound API requests to Amazon Web Services. It is considerably more secured than its version 2 variant and is supported in all geographical regions. In fact, any new regions after January 30, 2014 will only support Signature Version 4. In this two-post series, I will elucidate how to integrate Amazon with Salesforce by generating a signed request using Signature Version 4. While the first part would primarily deal with the creation of a canonical request, the second post will detail the calculation of a signature and creation of a signed request and conclude the integration process.

To sign a request using signature version 4, we need to calculate a signature that's based on a combination of information in the request (For example, AWS service, region, action, time stamp, mode, access key and secret key). After calculating the signature, we need to add it to the request as a parameter, either in the header of the request or as a query-string parameter.
Integrating Amazon to Salesforce using Signature Version 4 is essentially a 2-step process:

  1. Calculating a Signature
    • Creating a Canonical Request
    • Creating a String to Sign
    • Calculating the Signature
  2. Creating a Signed Request

A. Calculating a Signature

Step 1: Creating a Canonical Request

The first step for calculating a Signature is to create a Canonical request. You need to arrange the content of your request into a standard canonical form and then create a Hash (digest) of the canonical request, add it to the canonical request and then create a digest of the updated canonical request. This is illustrated in the code snippet given below.

  • HTTPMethod is our request mode (GET, POST)
  • CanonicalizedResourcepath is the URI, i.e. everything in the URL from the HTTP host to the question mark character ("?") that begins the query string parameters (if any). For this, we simply encode our endpoint using EncodingUtil.urlEncode method.
  • Query parameters contain algorithm used, credentials, date and sign headers. All these query parameters are canonicalized using the function given below and are then used in forming a canonical request.

  • HeaderNames will include the Names of header like host, date and content-type(if any).To create the signed headers list, you need to convert all header names to lowercase, sort them by character code, and then use a semicolon to separate the header names. Canonical HeaderNames will be calculated as shown below:

  • Headers will include the Header name along with their values for request. You need to follow the same procedure for creating canonicalized headers that you used for creating canonicalizedHeaderNames. The function shown below gives an idea about how it is achieved:

  • Finally using a hash (digest) function like SHA256, you need to create a hashed value from the payload in the body of the HTTP or HTTPS request. If the payload is empty, use the empty string as the input to the hash function. A typical hash function is as shown below.

Once you have completed all these steps, your canonical request will look like:

In my next post, I will take you through the process of creation of a string to sign, and the process to calculate the signature and finally, the creation of a signed request. So be ready with your canonical request!

Written by Tejashree Chavan,  Salesforce Developer at Eternus Solutions

Salesforce to Amazon Integration Using Signature Version 4: Part 2

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Friday 27 March 2015

A Beginner’s Guide to GoClipse Installation

GoClipse is an Eclipse plugin that adds Eclipse’s IDE functionality to Google’s Go programming language. The purpose of GoClipse is to create an environment in which development using Go is easy for a rookie user. Often, rookie Go developers like you and me, truly struggle to install GoClipse in any of the Eclipse versions, and it is this effort which inspired me to write this post. Here, I have listed down a step-by-step procedure to install GoClipse easily and run your first Go program for Google App Engine.

Prerequisites on your machine

Before you get started, you need to ensure you have the following installed on your machine.
  • Eclipse 3.6 or later
  • Java 1.6 or later
  • Python 2.7.5 or later.(For running Google AppEngine simulator)
  • You can download the latest Google appengine SDK from the internet. I used https://cloud.google.com/appengine/downloads to download the SDK. Along with the SDK, you also need to have Python 2.7.5 installed on your machine. Downloading the SDK is a 3-step process
  • Select the GAE SDK for Go
  • Select the platform machine by clicking on the appropriate link. The download will start. The downloaded file will be in a compressed format
  • Uncompress the SDK into the directory.(I am storing it in C:\go_appengine)

Getting Started…

  1. Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software
  2. Leave the Name text box blank (the name will be retrieved from the updated site). Click OK

  3. In the Install dialog, the center box should be filled with the category: GoPlug-in for Eclipse(GoClipse). Select the checkbox
  4. Follow the steps that are given for installation
  5. You will be prompted to set the workspace. The workspace should be  where your SDK resides. (in my case, it would be C:\go_appengine as I have stored my SDK here)
  6. You are ready to create a Go Project. Click on File > New > Project. Select the Go Project from the tree. Click Next
  7. Enter the name of the project in the Project name text field. Click Finish
  8. You can check the project created in the workspace for yourself!

…You’re not done yet!!!

That's not all!! Now that you have successfully created your first Go project for Google App Engine environment, you have to set the Go root path.

Setting the GOROOT path

  • Select Windows>Preferences>Go
  • Set the GOROOT path to the target directory (in my case C:\go_appengine\goroot )
  • Let the GOPATH be blank
  • Select the GOOS and  GOARCH accordingly(in my case it is GOOS:windows and GOARCH:amd64)
  • The Go formatter and Go documenter will be filled in automatically
  • Apply the changes and click on OK button

Now it’s time to run the project!

Create your GO file

  1. Define packages and import necessary functions
  2. Write your Go functions in your Go file
  3. Under init() provide mapping for URL and functions. Please refer below image

Create your YAML file

Creation of a yaml file is a 3-step process as listed below:
  1. Create app.yaml file in the main folder of your project
  2. It should consist of the following fields:
    • application: application-name(this name is used by appengine to identify your project,in my case:firstgoproject)
    • version: version number(depending on your project version)
    • runtime: go
    • api_version: go1(latest stable version)
    • handlers:(they redirect your URLs to the respective functions)
  3. The URL for your project would be "http://application-name.appspot.com/"
 Please refer below image

The last piece of the puzzle: Running your project

  1. Click on the External Tools button> External Tools Configurations >Program>New Configuration
  2. In the location text field,  set the path where your python 2.7.5 is installed
  3. In the Working directory text field, click on Browse Workspace and select the desired project
  4. In the arguments text field, fill out the arguments as shown above. Here port 5555 will host your project and port 5000 is the Google Appengine datastore
  5. Type localhost:5555 in your browser to load your project and localhost:5000 to view the Google Appengine for the same. It is important to note that 5555 & 5000 are any random port numbers

And it’s done! You have installed GoClipse and run your first project successfully. Was a cakewalk, wasn’t it? In my next blog post, I will take up a few common problems faced by Go programmers. Till then, Happy Gophering!

Written by Sonali Dalvi,  Google Developer at Eternus Solutions
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Tuesday 24 March 2015

The Magical world of Model Binder

For those who are new to ASP.NET MVC framework but have substantial experience on ASP.NET Web form like yours truly, getting the value of HTML form at client side and binding it to the model at server side is nothing short of absolute magic! This is achieved through Model binder which gets the values from the HTML form and binds them to the model, or the class having getter/setter properties on the server side.

In order to fully understand and appreciate the significance of model binding, let us go back in time a bit and recall how things were done in the ‘pre-Model Binding’ era. I used the default register view present in the default MVC project when you create the new project using Visual Studio for this demonstration as shown in the image below.

Now let’s see how it is handled at the server side when you click on the Register button. For this purpose, comment the action register which is using the model binder to get values from the client side to RegisterViewModel in the controller, in order to create the new register action, which accepts the input values as form-collection. The code snippet for the same is given below:

Code snippet with FormCollection:

Once this is done, check debug to see the output obtained in form-collection. As you can see for yourself in the image below, we get the input fields within the form-collection.

However, imagine the situation if your form had hundreds of input fields, or you needed a model within the model. The process would be tedious and time-consuming. You would need to mention the collection[{input field name}] for each input field and there is no intelligence provided by Visual Studio as the field are not tightly bound. Such scenarios are common within banking applications where you need to bind hundreds of fields.

Have no fear when Model binder is there!

I used the following code to perform this otherwise manual, tedious task and could directly access the value from the model itself. Model binder also ensures less errors as compared to the manual process.

Magical, isn’t it? However, unlike other magicians, I will let you in on the secret.

Model Binding depends upon the name attribute of the HTML variable which supplies the values. The mapping for the name property is automatic and executes by default.

It is important to note that the value of the name attribute in HTML must be an exact match with the model property or else the binding will not work out.

For this purpose, HTML helpers are quite helpful as they enable us to use the tightly bind model with the HTML helper which generates the HTML with the same name attribute as the model property.

The HTML in the browser is generated as shown below:

Voila! It’s done! Although this is done via DefaultModelbinder, you can customize the model binder as per your requirement, in case you want to create your own framework. So try it and let me know if it worked as seamlessly for you as it did for me.

Written by Sameer Sharma,  .NET Champion at Eternus Solutions
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Thursday 19 March 2015

How to Build a Hierarchical Map using Apex

I was recently working on an integration project where we needed to generate a simple piece of output! I needed a simple hierarchical map of Salesforce objects which can be retrieved from relational queries. Sounds simple enough, right? You couldn’t be farther from reality though. It ended up giving me sleepless nights!

Ticking off the list…

When I started designing, I realized that there are many things that had to be taken into consideration for the design to hold up in the long run. The design needed to be reusable, support ‘n’ levels, support lookup, master-detail relationships and provide for value match for related records. Moreover, the design needed to have the ability to support more than one where clause to retrieve related records, to add child data to the single parent map and give you the flexibility to configure your own keys for the values.

Once I ensured my framework had all of this, it looked something like this:

The objects outlined above had the following key features:
  1.  Query – Query object would hold the queries
  2.  Domain – Domain object would hold a reference to the query to be executed. Some of the key attributes of the Domain object are listed below:
    • Query – It contains the reference to the Query object
    • Domain Parameters – These are parameters required by the top level domain to execute. For e.g. – the keyword to bind the result set, any input parameter to be provided to the top level query. This can be put in the JSON format.
  3.  Domain Index – This object will hold the reference to the parent and child domain. Some of the key attributes of the Domain Index object are listed below:
    • ParentDomain – It contains the reference to the parent Domain ID
    • Domain – It contains the reference to the Domain
    • BindTo - This field will contain the field name based on which the child data will be  bound to the parent
    • GroupBy- This field will contain the Param Property Name based on which the child data will be grouped.
  4. PropertyPool – This object is a pool of all the properties or fields that would be referenced in the queries
  5. Param Group – This object will be specific to each query to hold the input and output parameters for the query
  6. Param Properties – This is a junction object between Param Group and Param Properties

Twist in the Tale...

However, the trickier part here was how to build the tree. While retrieving the results was simple enough, all the result sets needed to be merged together to be inserted into the map in the form of the tree defined in the metadata.

At first, I tried building it from top to bottom but unfortunately that didn’t work out. I then found a simpler way to build it using the bottom up approach.

Need of the Hour…

This is the sample hierarchy that is expected



        ->CustomObject A

             ->CustomObject B

How I Won the Battle

The approach that I followed is a 6-step process.
  1. First, I defined Account as the top level domain and Contact as its domain index
  2. Then I defined CustomObject A as the domain index for Contact and
  3. CustomObject B as the domain index for Custom Object A
  4. I went on to define the param properties for each domain and created all the input and output parameters
  5. I stored all the result sets from each query in a List of Map (String, Object). While storing the result set for the child queries, it’s important to store it grouped by the grouping parameter (GroupBy) defined in the Domain Index.
  6. Now, I started building the tree by iterating from the second last member in the list going the level up in the hierarchy and based on the GroupBy field keyword, I could club the child with the parent.

Although it looks a bit complicated on the first look, you will notice that everything falls in place as you start writing the code. I have elaborated the architecture within this post and in my next post, I would be including the code snippets that support the same. 

Written by Jina Chetia, Solution Architect at Eternus Solutions
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